Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Fate of Journalism and Freedom of Speech

Journalists are now the target and threat (by the military and government) whoever leaks information to the general public deemed too secret or illegal are considered “enemies” of the State? Are they serious? How will the world learn of injustice and illegal activities if not reported by “real” journalist who report the news to the people of the world?

Americans are inundated with local/international news and legal debates recently, but what is becoming clear and unnoticed by the average American is what is happening in these important trials will affect Freedom of Speech in the U.S. for all Americans.

Read the compelling article about whistleblower Bradley Manning’s trial. Current media coverage is particularly nonexistence on the Manning case and it centers on journalism, whistleblowing, and national security policy. Pfc. Bradley Manning's military prosecutor, Capt. Ashden Fein, has evoked a controversial statement representing how the Military and U.S. government feels about hackers, whistleblowers, and deep throat type (like Mark Felt, former FBI) informants (think of the Watergate scandal from the 1970‘s) who relay “compromised information in the hands of the enemy” meaning to the public by way of journalist, in essence stating the enemy is everyone who reads, hears or receives such information and making Freedom of Speech/News as criminalize journalism. This is most disturbing. For a more detail information read the Policymic article.

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