Sunday, August 26, 2012

Remembering Neil Armstrong

American astronaut Neil Armstrong has died on Saturday, August 25th, 2012. He had undertaken a heart procedure and did not recover. He was 82. Deeply sad news. The Apollo moon landing happened on July 20th, 1969 and was broadcast worldwide. It feels as if Flash Gordon has past away. I can remember growing up always wanted to be an astronaut or a member of the Star Trek crew venturing into outer space and on a mission boldly going where no man has gone before.
Today, watching the NASA space shuttles launch into orbit to a waiting space station became routine, but still thrilling and dangerous. All astronauts are brave and courage for doing what they love to do. To fly into outer space and accomplishing something very few people have ever done, and keeping a cool head when they do it. I’m still longing for that pristine future presented in the 1968 classic sci-fi film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Yes, we all wanted that remarkable futuristic world with flying cars, moon bases, huge circular space stations, and brave astronauts leading the way to other planets like Venus, Mars, and beyond.
But history will show kindly that the first men to reach the moon came back humbled and proud. The sight of the most beautiful cool blue world known to man as Earth is incomparable as seen from the moon‘s surface. So thanks Neil Armstrong for making a giant leap for mankind and showing the world that it is possible to walk on another planetoid. He is truly an inspiration. God speed.

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