Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Death of Facebook: Inevitable.

Don’t fool yourself. Facebook in its present form will not last forever. Other similar sites went south and never came back like Napster, GeoCities, Friendster, Yahoo, Sirius Radio, My Space, and American Online. A lot of them morphed into something else, but never quite the same as before nor have the same impact. Everything changes in time like laser disc to blue ray. Companies fold all the time and more recently long-term, well-known establishments all over the place have already gone bankrupt or bought out or sold to another company altogether. Facebook stock is not for the meager, but design more for the already rich to profit off the latest IPOs. But the stock continues to fall and long-term investors wonder just what is Zuckerberg going to do to make the FB company something of real value. Facebook is losing its cool factor very quickly. Big Brother already likes FB and its free Intel it can get access to and used to go after not only the guilty, but innocent too. Privacy concerns, Freedom of Speech, Civil Rights, basically our “Bill of Rights” mean almost nothing today by “those who watch” and “the powers that be” if you tweet it or think-say something they deem warrant enough to censor or slander you by robbing you of your Freedom of Speech or worst. Social Networking is a peaceful gathering, nothing more. Granted FB is great for family and friends to keep in touch, and that’s what it should be used for......nothing else. As an investment.... Shop around because Facebook will not be there forever. Read The Huffington Post article on Facebook.

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