Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Big Brother Strikes Again

The topic of today is from the latest’s news broadcast. City Lights are now listening to your every conversation. Street lights with cameras are watching your every move. We have been stepping into that once sci-fi far future of robots and stories of eerie constant surveillance by forces like Big Brother in a dark and sad world. As we enter into the half-way mark of the year 2012 the times are transforming right before our eyes into an unknown future. There is a reasonable stigma inherited with the year 2012. Many people fear its coming and others think nothing of it. But understandably there is reason to be concern, as there is a global anxiety upon us with hot topics like the terrible economy, rising taxes, rising cost of food, wars continuing around the world, poverty, personal freedoms slowly being taken away, and displays of inhumanity to others is ramped. Our technology is growing at a phenomenal rate and working a bit like magic. As our technology continues to improve I can only hope our wisdom is also exemplified enough to control it. But the real scary part is how subversive the mere premise of what Big Brother can do, will do, and has been doing for a very long time now. At first Big Brothers started out quite benignly with objectives to protect the country, the society, and the common citizens from harm. They established set protocols to conduct operations to provide the best protection, intelligence gathering, and countermeasures to keep the country safe especially during a time of war, this gave them the autonomy to the exploit the Will, the Power, and the Reasons for doing the things the right way and with justice in mind, but something happened along the way.... The new revamped National Security laws operate exclusively without citizen’s approval and their objective seems to be to subdue and contain. Their new objectives are to control the masses abroad and on the homeland, during war and in peace time. For your protection, they say, but this is just another form of control. Citizens have no say in the matter of these instant new "control methods" implemented for your safety and are just plane creepy. The unthinkable and the unjust are happening all around us. Your civil rights are slowly disappearing and the robotic police state is gaining control to contain everyone, good or bad. What's next? Talking walls? (We have talking cars already!) Walls with ears in public areas and placed inside any building or home unknown to the citizens who goes there? With fleets of personnel who will be monitoring your every move, every word, action, and soon your very own thoughts will be examined remotely..... Heaven help those who think too much or talk too much, who have a will of their own, who like making jokes or harmless jest, who have opinions that differ from The Powers That Be, and those dark forces listening in to find something of trouble.....I'm hoping for the day when the future is going to be much better than where we are headed. Everyday, the George Orwell book called "1984" about a drab totalitarian world controlled by Big Brother is slowly coming true. Let's not make that future happen. For all the world's countries can do much better than that if they really push for peace. Check out these links about "Talking lights and Cameras" City Lights Spy On You Creepy Surveillance Lights Homeland Security Street Lights Big Brother is Watching You

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