Friday, February 17, 2012

David Icke at the Oxford Union Debating Society

David Icke is speaking live at the Oxford Union Debating Society. If you know anything about David Icke at all you, know that for over 20 years now he has been speaking out for the common citizen for quality, making aware of our current dilemma, and a massive take over of our fundamental freedoms with global events happening bend on bringing cultures, people, and civil rights to its knees.

This is a feature length - 120 minute clip is a wake-up call to take notice of our fleeting Free Will as a species. He talks about how the world is turning into an Orwellian State. A total global government controlled society, where there are actually several secret societies running in the background in control, manipulating our minds, feeding us illusions, lies, and controlling everything we see, hear, and telling us ultimately what to believe in. Davie Icke covers topics like the Matrix, Mind Control, the Illuminati, the New World Order, much more.

David Icke at the Oxford Union Debating Society

David Icke's astonishing information found in his books and speeches clearly demonstrates, as predicted in George Orwell’s novel, 1984, where surveillance by the Big Brother State is born, personal freedom is gone, censorship is widespread, and the beginning of a global fascist dictatorship is poised to take over the world. Icke has uncovered a deadly truth during his many years of intense research, a hidden agenda for humanity that is orchestrated by an elite few. Dare to watch Icke’s speech presentation and be aware the forces are already out there geared on enslaving and terminating all personal freedom and vanish any hope of a reprieve.

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