Thursday, January 12, 2012

Facing the World of 2012

What can I say? January in 2012 is off to a busy start and the world economy has seen better days, and some would shout out it’s a disaster, a nightmare that just keeps going, with lack of governments unable to or unwilling to provide timely solutions to those people in desperate need. With global warming (yes, they proved it really is happening folks. Independent investigations, aerial photos, and scientists are busy observing massive amounts of glacier ice several miles long and thick melting helplessly away from the continent known as Antarctica. Theses huge junks of ice are breaking off into the sea, reducing the world’s fresh water supply, affecting the temperature of the ocean, altering the world’s weather patterns, and causing ocean levels to rise worldwide. Within our lifetime, perhaps sooner than later we’ll witness in less than 40 years, ocean levels everywhere will rise beyond 30 feet and as high as 200 feet from where they are now).

Many countries today are still ravaged by war, death, and hunger. The global unemployment, housing market crashing which spawned record breaking foreclosures, government lies, conspiracies, bank bailouts, corrupt businessmen and institutions, top CEOs running amok spending your tax dollars on bonuses, the rising cost of health care, education, colleges and universities, hidden fees, credit card scams, heartless monopoly of Wall Street, reducing and undermining America’s constitutional rights for its citizens, censorship, unlawful detainment, unconstitutional profiling of American citizens, businesses and countries going bankrupt, young people and protesters taking to the streets from all over the world protesting that they’re fed up and tired of all the malarkey, abuse, overall corruption, the super rich, manipulative politicians, and the lack of governmental action to rectify and fix these problems that seem to stem from greed, politics, and acts of inhumanity against the poor.

Not to mention the rising cost of oil and the ever-present problem in the Middle East. No, I’m not spreading doom and gloom here. I’m stating the facts as reported by news from around the world. This is certainly going to be a hot year for the popular topic of catastrophes in 2012, whether they are true or not, most oddly coincidental is the fact that a lot of these global financial and escalating natural disasters seem to be happening more frequently as we have finally arrived to the year of 2012.

There is the noteworthy eminent danger as predicted by NASA (though not widely advertise) to be happening between 2012 and 2013 of a major power outage caused by a solar flare. This sun storm could blowout the National power grids and scientists fear this could have terrible ramifications on worldwide communications, emergency facilities, airports, computers, GPS, cell phones, banking systems, and essentially all things running on electricity. Scientist say high levels of the magnetic energy from solar flares can greatly disrupt all types of machinery relying on electricity.

This is bad news to the present world that we live in because our culture is primarily dependent on electrical devices. Independent investigations have proven that no safeguard measures have been put into place to countermand the effects of a major solar flare hitting the Earth. The best chance to avoid any injuries is to move underground to protect yourself from solar radiation. Nevertheless, hurricanes, drought, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, solar flares, and other natural disasters are eventually going to come no matter what we do. The best defense against a widespread power blackout all over the world or in your own country is simply to be prepared and aware of the possibility of it happening, and supply yourself with an emergency care gear that you need to have ready in your homes for any kind of unforeseen emergency. Eventually, the world needs to move off-grid anyways, and go back to a simpler time of living, stargazing, candle-light reading with real books, plant a garden of food, and not be ruled by technology that could easily breakdown and fail us completely. Live in the here and now, and be aware of the world around you.

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